Do I Need to File an 18-Wheeler Accident Lawsuit to Get Compensation?

After a Texas truck accident, there are two primary methods for seeking compensation: an insurance claim or an 18-wheeler accident lawsuit. Which you’ll need to file will depend on the specifics of your case.

Keep reading to learn more about how to know whether or not you need to file an 18-wheeler accident lawsuit. You can get information on the two methods for seeking truck accident injury compensation.

Method 1: Filing an Insurance Claim

Before you file a lawsuit, you’ll most likely be dealing with an insurance company. If you were at fault for your crash, you will need to file a claim with your own insurance company. However, if you weren’t to blame for your crash, you may need to file a claim with the insurance company of the at-fault party, usually a trucking company. Determining who was at fault in a truck accident can be complicated, but a truck injury lawyer can help you figure out who can be held liable.

An insurance company will be involved in the vast majority of truck accident cases, including cases that require a lawsuit.

Method 2: Filing an 18-Wheeler Accident Lawsuit

Sometimes, you won’t be able to get the compensation that you need through an insurance claim. This might include cases in which the truck company denies blame and cases in which the insurance company attempts to underpay your claim. In both cases, a truck accident lawsuit may be your best option for getting relief. You will most often file a lawsuit against the trucking company’s insurance provider, or the trucking company itself. 

To put it in other words, if you can’t use an insurance claim to get compensation, you will most likely need to file an 18-wheeler accident lawsuit to get financial relief. To determine whether or not you need to file a lawsuit, you can talk to a McAllen truck injury lawyer.

Get Truck Accident Compensation With Help From a McAllen Truck Injury Lawyer

It isn’t always clear whether or not you’ll need to file a lawsuit to get truck accident compensation, and failing to have an attorney by your side could put your case at risk. If you’ve been involved in a truck accident caused by someone else, don’t fight against the trucking company on your own. Get help from a reliable McAllen truck injury lawyer.

The McAllen truck accident lawyers at Villalobos Law Firm are committed to helping victims of truck accidents seek justice, and we would be proud to fight on your behalf. You can rely on our truck injury attorneys to help you get whatever compensation you may deserve.

If you’ve been involved in a truck accident caused by someone else, get help filing an 18-wheeler accident lawsuit from the McAllen truck injury lawyers at Villalobos.

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