What To Do After a Texas Car Accident?

 Being involved in a car accident can be a terrifying experience. Even if there are no serious injuries, you can still be very shaken and affected emotionally. 

After an accident, it can be easy to panic and not know what steps to take next. 

What’s most important to remember following an accident is to remain at the scene, as you are required under Texas law to render aid and provide any information needed if the incident results in a serious injury or death.  

Aside from contacting a McAllen car accident lawyer, here’s what you should do if you are capable to do so after a crash. 

 What To Do After You’ve Been in an Accident

  1. Pull Over and Check for Injuries

The very first thing you should do after an accident is to pull over into a safe area out of traffic. Once you’re not at risk of being hit again, you can check the other occupants of your vehicle for injuries. 

If you were alone, take the time to see how you’re feeling. It isn’t unusual for someone to only feel pain once the situation has calmed down. The only exception to this is if there is imminent danger, such as a fire or flooding. In these sorts of situations, it is imperative that you safely get out of the vehicle as quickly as possible. 

  1. Stay at the Scene

Even if you weren’t at fault in the accident, leaving the scene is still a crime. You must stay at the crash site until you either satisfy the legal requirements to help or the police say you can go. 

If you can safely exit your vehicle, try to check on the occupants of the other car. 

  1. Call 911

If anyone is injured, they will need prompt medical attention. However, even if there are no injuries, you’ll still need to call and report the accident to the police.

  1. Collect Any Information About the Crash

The immediate aftermath of a McAllen car accident is the best time to start gathering evidence for your insurance claim. If there are no serious injuries, and you can safely do so, take the time to photograph the scene, the damage done to the vehicles, any injuries suffered, and other important details.

Everything you can do now will help your car accident attorney with your future case or claim.

  1. Contact Your Insurance Company

You’re required to report any accidents to your car insurance provider no matter who is at fault. Without this, you can’t start a claim to help you recover financially. However, it is important to note that it may be in your best interest to contact an attorney before reaching out to your insurance company. Your attorney will ensure that you handle the situation appropriately and will work diligently to help you secure the appropriate compensation for the damages you have suffered.  

Contact a McAllen Car Accident Attorney After Your Incident

Even if the accident seems minimal, there may be some hidden surprises that can trip you up. A good lawyer can help you understand your rights, answer your questions, and start the fight to get you the compensation you need.

The Villalobos Law Firm is here to help you. We can handle everything from gathering the evidence you missed to fighting for the compensation you need to get your life back on track. 

Not only can we fight for your case, but our social media has plenty of educational resources to help you understand the legal world. Keep up with us on our YouTube channel! 

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