4 Common Strategies Trucking Companies Use To Try To Avoid Blame

If you or a loved one were the victim of an 18-wheeler accident, you’ll likely want a quick resolution to all the issues at hand. Understandably, not only are there financial issues you may face, but you’ll also need to heal following your accident

However, trucking companies and their insurance providers are likely to put up a fight to avoid paying out what is owed to you. For instance, they may try to lowball you or flat-out deny out your claim. 

Here are some common tactics trucking companies will use to avoid paying out on an insurance claim. An experienced and dependable McAllen personal injury lawyer like the attorneys at the Villalobos Law Firm knows how to make sure these tactics fail.

Tactics Trucking Companies Use To Avoid Paying

1. Shift the Blame

        It’s on the plaintiff to prove that the trucking company is responsible. Unfortunately, a common tactic trucking companies use to avoid paying out is to shift blame onto the victim. They may claim you or your loved one caused the accident as a result of distracted or unsafe driving. 

        Trucking companies attempt to shift blame in order to minimize their liability and pay less (if nothing) to victims of semi-truck accidents. 

        Additionally, a trucking company may also blame a third party for your McAllen semi-truck accident. They may claim that the truck was faulty as the result of work completed by another mechanic or that perhaps there was a factory defect inherent in the vehicle.

        2. Say the Injury Was Pre-Existing

          Another tactic is to claim victims are lying about how their injury was caused and that it was the result of a previous incident that had nothing to do with the crash.

          This is why having thorough medical records is so important. You can prove exactly when an injury happened if you can provide medical proof. Any proof you have documenting the injury after the accident will bolster your claim.

          3. Arguing the Evidence Doesn’t Support the Liability Claim

            This tactic is designed to undermine your case. The trucking company will attempt to claim that your evidence is too weak to prove the company is at fault. They will also make efforts to make evidence inadmissible in court to try to deny you the semi-truck accident compensation you are owed.

            4. Claim That You’re Exaggerating Your Injury

              Some injuries aren’t obvious while you’re still at the scene of your McAllen truck accident. Because of adrenaline, you may feel fine in the immediate aftermath of the accident. However, some injuries may take hours, days, weeks, or even months to become fully apparent. 

              It’s important not to accept a settlement until you know the full extent of your injuries and what treatment you will need to recover. Make sure you go to the doctor immediately after the accident to document them and get prompt treatment. 

              After this, make a call to a McAllen car accident attorney. They can help you figure out when to accept a settlement and what would be fair for your case. 

              Trust the Villalobos Law Firm To Get You the Semi-Truck Accident Compensation You Deserve

              You don’t need to face the trucking company alone after a McAllen semi-truck accident. Let the experienced personal injury lawyers at the Villalobos Law Firm fight for you. We give our clients the same legal support and guidance we give our own family.

              Get a FREE case evaluation and learn how we can help you with your McAllen truck accident case!