Getting Compensation for Brain Injuries With McAllen Brain Injury Lawyers

If you or a loved one have suffered a car accident traumatic brain injury (TBI), you will likely be facing a considerable amount of medical bills and difficulty. If the accident was caused by the actions or thoughtlessness of another person, that person or their insurance company may owe you for the losses and suffering you’ve faced.

If you plan on seeking car accident TBI compensation, a McAllen brain injury attorney can help you determine what you’re owed and how to get it. Keep reading to learn more about getting financial relief for car accident TBIs.

Common Car Accident Traumatic Brain Injuries

The compensation available for your car accident TBI will vary depending on the severity and type of your injury. Most types of car accident head injuries can be minor or more significant, though some are more severe than others. The most common types of car accident TBIs include:

  • Concussion — Concussions are likely the most common type of traumatic brain injury seen in car accident cases. Caused by a blow to the head, concussions can range from minor to life-altering.
  • Brain Contusion — Bruising on the brain can also be caused by blows to the head or violent movement during a crash. Contusions can range from minor to debilitating.
  • Coup-Contrecoup — Involving damage on both sides of the brain, coup-contrecoup TBIs are caused when the brain bounces off the inside of the skull. Some of these injuries will heal with time, while others will cause lifelong cognitive effects.
  • Diffuse Axonal Injury — Axons are thin connective nerve fibers, and a diffuse axonal injury occurs when these fibers are torn due to rotational movement of the brain within the skull. These injuries often cause comas, but those who suffered relatively minor diffuse axonal injuries may be able to recover.
  • Hematomas — Hematomas or blood clots develop in car accidents after the bleeding has been caused in the brain. Hematomas can heal with time, though surgery may be needed.
  • Hemorrhages — Like most other types of TBIs, hemorrhages or brain bleeds can range from minor issues that heal on their own to life-changing or even deadly injuries. 
  • Penetrating TBI — Penetrating TBIs are among the most dangerous forms of TBIs and involve a foreign object, such as broken glass or metal, piercing the skull and entering the brain. These injuries are often deadly.

Compensation for Car Accident Brain Injuries

Compensation for TBIs can range from $10,000 for a minor concussion to several million dollars for a debilitating brain injury. In general, car accident brain injury compensation may be available for the following losses:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced earning power
  • Funeral expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost relationships
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Disability
  • Disfigurement
  • Wrongful death

Get Compensation With Help From McAllen Brain Injury Lawyers at Villalobos

Traumatic brain injuries are some of the most serious types of injuries a person can suffer during a car accident. Due to the extent of the effects these injuries can have on a person’s life, getting compensation for traumatic brain injuries can be especially important.

If you or a loved one have suffered a car accident TBI, get in touch with the team of McAllen brain injury lawyers here at Villalobos Law Firm to get help defending your rights to compensation.

If you’ve suffered a car accident brain injury, get help from the brain injury lawyers at Villalobos Law Firm to fight for what you’re owed.

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