Safe Driving Tips for Holiday Travel From Your McAllen Injury Lawyers

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from the whole team here at Villalobos Law Firm! For so many of us, the holidays mean getting out on the road and traveling to see our loved ones, and all that extra traffic can be a real danger for holiday travelers.

Keep reading to check out our safe driving tips for the holidays, and remember that you can get help from a McAllen injury lawyer if you are involved in an accident.

1. Don’t Speed

The absolute number one rule you should follow while driving this holiday season is driving at or slightly under the speed limit. So many of us seem to think that speeding is no big deal, but the truth is that it can put you and your passengers in serious danger. 

While less than 1% of all Texas car accidents are fatal, 11% of accidents involving excess speed result in at least one fatality. That means that high-speed accidents are more than 10 times deadlier than other types of Texas accidents.

2. Never Drive Under the Influence

The holidays are also a time when drunk driving spikes and that makes it all the more important that you never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol, especially during the holidays. 

You can’t control the choices that other drivers make, but you can take steps to protect yourself from erratic drivers by staying clear-headed and paying close attention to the road.

3. Remind Passengers To Wear Seat Belts

Your seat belt is one of the key lines of defense between you and car accident injuries, or even death. If you are involved in an accident, your seat belt can go a long way in protecting your health. This is especially true for accidents involving rollovers, where the chance of being ejected from the vehicle is high. Ejection crashes are one of the most deadly kinds of accidents, and your seat belt can help prevent them.

4. Avoid Driving in Bad Weather

We get it. It’s Christmas and bad weather is just part of the deal. Still, you shouldn’t put your safety at risk for the sake of a single holiday. While snow is a rarity here in Texas, ice is much more common, and many Texans will be traveling far and wide to see loved ones. If you’re driving somewhere where ice or snow is present, wait until the weather has cleared and the roads have been cleared before heading out.

5. Be Cautious

If you are driving in an area with snowy or icy conditions, you will need to drive with extra caution. This means leaving plenty of room between yourself and other vehicles, and turning and stopping with more care. If snow or ice are present, slow down and stay focused on your driving. By taking a little more care, you can potentially avoid a car accident.

Get Car Accident Compensation With Help From McAllen Injury Lawyers

Unfortunately, accidents can happen even during the most wonderful time of the year. If you’re involved in an accident this holiday season, you need to know about your rights to car accident compensation.

If you’ve been involved in a Texas car crash, get in touch with the McAllen injury lawyers at Villalobos Law Firm to get help seeking whatever compensation you may deserve.

If you’ve been involved in a Christmas car crash, get help from McAllen injury lawyers at Villalobos Law Firm to defend your rights.

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