The Top Car Accident Causes and How You Can Stay Safe

Car accidents can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. Even the most experienced drivers can find themselves in a serious collision.

Being aware of the common causes of an accident can help you avoid a crash while also keeping others safe on the road. Our lawyers for car accidents at the Villalobos Law Firm have seen it all and are here to teach you about the causes of crashes and how to stay safe when behind the wheel.  


In 2020, speeding caused about 40% of car accident fatalities. That’s because the faster an individual is traveling, the less time they have to react to a danger on the road. Additionally, if you were speeding, your chances of making a successful car insurance claim decrease.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is any time you take your eyes and attention off the road. 

Texting is one of the most common causes of distracted driving, but there is a wide range of other behaviors that contribute to this issue, including eating, grooming, changing the radio, and being too involved with your passengers while driving. 

Almost one in six crashes on Texas roads in 2022 were caused by distracted driving. This resulted in 487 deaths and 2,824 people left with serious injuries. This is a very common cause of car accidents in McAllen, TX, even if it is one of the most easily preventable.

Poor Weather Conditions

Bad weather is the cause of many car accidents. The roadway is most slippery when rain first starts coming down and many drivers aren’t prepared for this loss of traction. 

Other poor weather conditions, like rain, fog, or wind, account for just over one in ten crashes on Texas roadways. Try to delay travel during bad weather or lower your speed significantly during inclement weather.

Driving While Intoxicated

Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is another major cause of car accidents. When drivers are impaired, they have slower reaction times and impaired judgment, which makes it more difficult for them to navigate the road safely. 

DUI accidents are hazardous because they often involve high speeds and can result in catastrophic injuries. A quarter of all traffic deaths in Texas in 2022 were related to driving under the influence. 

Staying Safe on Texas Roads

The best way to stay safe on the road is to obey the law. Here are a few ways to drive safely and avoid accidents:

  • Always keep your eyes on the road and watch out for potential dangers
  • Don’t do anything that takes your hands off the wheel, like grooming or eating
  • Set your phone aside while driving or only use it in hands-free mode
  • Don’t drive if you are under the influence, even if you feel sober
  • Watch out for other drivers behaving dangerously
  • Drive at or slightly below the speed limit
  • Lower your speed in bad weather or if the road condition is poor
  • Take a defensive driving course to help improve your skills

Do You Need a Car Accident Attorney? The Villalobos Law Firm Is Here To Help.

After a car accident, you should be focused on healing and rebuilding your life. The experienced car accident attorneys at the Villalobos Law Firm are here to help you do just that. Let us help you build a strong case so you can prove who is at fault for your accident. We’ll treat you with the same care and compassion that we would show our family.

You don’t need to struggle alone, get your FREE case evaluation and see how our lawyers for car accidents can help you!

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