What To Do if You’re Involved in a Texas Hit-and-Run Car Accident

Hit-and-run accidents are, unfortunately, quite common in Texas. Texas just misses the top ten when it comes to states with the highest percentage of hit-and-run accidents, landing in the eleventh spot. This means that Texas still sees more than six times the number of hit-and-runs than Wyoming, the state with the fewest hit-and-runs.

If you’ve been involved in a hit-and-run accident in Texas, keep reading to learn what to do next from an Edinburg hit-and-run attorney.

What To Do if You’re Injured by a Hit-and-Run Driver

As if pedestrian accidents aren’t serious enough, hit-and-run accidents have the potential to be even more deadly because there may be a delay before emergency services arrive. 

If you’ve been hit by a driver who failed to stop and render aid, you can follow the steps below to protect yourself:

  1. Call for Help — Call for emergency assistance as soon as you can following your accident. If you are unable to make the call, ask someone else to call for you.
  2. Protect Your Safety — Your safety should be your top priority following an accident. If you can move, move out of the way of oncoming traffic. If not, call for help from bystanders to redirect traffic.
  3. Seek Medical Attention — If you’ve been injured, you need to seek medical care as soon as possible to get treatment and document the connection between the crash and your injuries.
  4. Note Identifying Information — Write down any identifying information about the hit-and-run vehicle, including the color, make, model, and license plate number.
  5. Gather Evidence — If you can, take pictures of the scene and get contact information from everyone involved, including potential witnesses. If you’re unable to take this step yourself, ask for help.
  6. Speak to a Hit-and-Run Attorney — After you’ve received the medical attention you need, call a hit-and-run attorney to learn about your options moving forward.

What To Do if You Hit-and-Ran

Everyone makes mistakes, but some mistakes are more serious than others. If you hit a pedestrian and fail to stop and render aid, you should contact authorities as soon as possible to let them know what happened. You may face legal consequences for your actions, but letting officers know about the accident could save the life of the person you hit. 

It may also be in your best interest to turn yourself in rather than being found through investigation. A defense attorney can help you with your case. Villalobos Law Firm does NOT offer hit-and-run defense.

Edinburg Hit-and-Run Attorneys for You: Villalobos Law Firm

Pedestrian accidents are already one of the most dangerous types of accidents a person can be involved in, and a hit-and-run makes these situations worse. If you’ve been involved in a hit-and-run accident in Texas, you may be facing a difficult road ahead, but a hit-and-run attorney can help you fight for your rights to financial relief.

If you’ve been injured in a Texas hit-and-run, reach out to the Edinburg hit-and-run attorneys at Villalobos Law Firm for help with your case.

If you’ve been injured in a hit-and-run accident, reach out to the Edinburg hit-and-run attorneys at Villalobos Law Firm for help seeking compensation.

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